Monday, February 11, 2013

Online II

Some more shameless advertising for a few good webcomics.

Bird Boy
Beautiful world-building, gorgeous art, and a lovable unlikely hero. What more can you ask for?

Gronk: A Monster's Story
The story of an adorable, mischievous little monster being raised by a human (and a geek at that!)

Cucumber Quest
With rabbits as characters, it's like the spoof of every epic quest you've ever read.

I Am Otter
Not technically a web-comic. The delightful adventures of an otter and his teddy are hilarious.

My Milk Toof
Not "technically" a web-comic either. The charming misadventures of two teeth are always sure to brighten my day.

Beyond the Western Deep
I saved the best for last. I've long been a fan of Rachel Bennett's work, but even I didn't she was this talented! Incredible artwork, brilliant characters and a ripping good story.