Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Little Unknown-Well known Romance

Here are the responses I got when investigating my friends about their favorite love stories-

"Elizabeth and Darcy," I suggest. They begin chattering excitedly.
"Oh my gosh, wasn't that sweet?"
"Austen was a genius!"

"Romeo and Juliet", I announce, wondering if they actually read the play when they begin swooning.
"Tragic," a girl breathes, and another simply fans herself and sighs dramatically.

I try the fantasy approach.
"Aragorn and Arwen."
"Best love story EVER!" one girl proclaims. Another grins and gives me the thumbs up.

Now the time as come to test their true literature knowledge. I harrumph slightly then grandly proclaim,
"EOWYN AND FARAMIR." There's a long pause. A girl checks her watch. After a moment another one asks slowly,
"Wait...They didn't fall in love in the movies...did they?"

C'mon people! For once, READ the books. Faramir and Eowyn's love story is a little secret in the world of ACTUAL READERS. It's powerful and sweet, and should be right up there with R & J. Why am I bringing this up? Because I found the most AMAZING, TOUCHING, and
AWE-INSPIRING video tribute to the couple. Care to watch? Follow the link.

Eowyn/Faramir-What About Now

1 comment:

I LOVE comments.

You just won 50 Awesome Points:)