Monday, September 21, 2009

Heroing Away

Ask me what my favorite TV show is and I'll tell you without hesitation:


They're funny, historic, and just plain classic. It's WWII and they're prisoners of war; at least that's what the Germans think. They're actually espionage agents who got the stupid Commandant and his dimwitted Sergeant right in the palm of their hands. There's Newkirk-a British chap obsessed with girls who can steal your whiskers without you noticing. LaBeau-a Frenchman all the way who cooks the greatest meals...and schemes. Carter-A pyromaniac who can create the most complicated bomb, yet be baffled by the simplest joke. Kinchloe-the radio man who can fake a German accent that would trick his own mother. Then, of course, there's Hogan-smart, resourceful, sly and THE man with THE plan.

I have nothing more to say except WATCH IT. NOW.

1 comment:

  1. We own all of the seasons! ;)

    God Bless You And Your Family,


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