Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Pixar is a Bonny Lass

They've conquered France with Ratatouille, and they've creamed Venezuela with Up.
Now, Pixar's going to Scotland.

Before you get the image of kilts, haggis, and bagpipes, let me lay it straight. It's set in ancient Scotland, where Merida, daughter to the King and Queen, is constantly frustrated by her one dream that's out of reach. She wants to be an archer, a targetswoman. But when she clashes with her mother on the subject, something happens (No, I don't know what)that sets her off on a grand ole adventure filled with curses, magic, and most likely will have a million brilliant Pixar twists. No word yet on who's playing who, except thatit'll have Reese Witherspoon, Billy Connolly, and Emma Thompson. I, for one, can not WAIT to see this one! I love the Celts and, yes, I'm curious as to how Pixar's going to portay Scotland...

(Heads up: Pixar's also doing Rapunzel!)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds interesting! (How's pixar going to pull it off?)
    We shall see what we shall see.


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