Monday, October 26, 2009

LOTR-Extended Edition

After months of wanting nothing more than to see the Lord of the Rings extended edition...
I finally did.

It took all of Saturday to watch the first two (which are a good 4 hours each!) and I still haven't made it to The Return of the King. But it was everything I hoped for, with more action, songs, scenes, and more closley related to the book. But if you plan to watch it, here's a list of must-haves:

1 lg bag Reees's
1 lg. bag M&M's
Ben & Jerry's
Paper and pencil for the taking of awesome notes
Large comfy pillows
Pineapple-orange juice
A lot of time on your hands

Of course, there was new music (!) Is there a Extended soundtrack? I hope so. Anyhow, here are but a few of the extended edition songs.


  1. Love the "survival kit"

  2. Yey, good for you!

    (See, when I watch LotR, I can't eat anything-- it's too intense and exciting for me! LOL)

  3. Yeah, everytime it showed the orcs, I stopped eating...


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