Tuesday, December 29, 2009

9 Hits Stores!

Yes, Today is the day (finally) that 9 actually becomes availiable to buy!


Monday, December 28, 2009

La Musique

Just thought I might do something fun and give y'all a tour of my CD pile.

These are also free recamondations.

Planet Earth Soundtrack-George Fenton

Got it for my Birthday & I love it! Fenton is a genius. Beautiful.


For my melancholy, deep moods.

A Day Without Rain-Enya

Despite the title, PERFECT for rainy days.

And Winter Came-Enya

Got this for Christmas last year. It's gorgeous & one of her best.

Shepherd Moons-Enya

Makes me wanna fly.

The Return of the King Soundtrack-Howard Shore

Absolutely breathtaking. It sets my heart racing everytime.

Noel-Josh Groban

I know it's a Christmas CD, but I still listen to it year-round. His voice is AMAZING.

Celtic Wonder-Various

Got it for Christmas about two years ago. First CD I ever owned. Stunningly bittersweet.

Piper's Dance-Ballycastle

2nd CD I ever got. These bagpipes have soul.

With You-Josh Groban

Did I mention his voice was amazing?

The Ultimate Relaxation Album III

Used to fall asleep to this.

The Fellowship of the Ring Soundtrack-Howard Shore

Makes me laugh & cry.

Yanni Live at the Acropolis

Really good to listen to when writing.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Something To Think About

A good friend once asked me not what I got for Christmas,
but what I gave.


Love and joy come to you,
And to you our wassail too,
And God bless you and send you a Happy New Year
And God send you a Happy New Year

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

Stand Aside and Let Her Go

Laura Dekker, a 14-year old resident of Amsterdam, Holland, is trying to accomplish something I admire greatly:

Sail around the world.

Everyone agrees she can "sail like the devil", but her mom and the court put her in custody and refuse to let her. She's been sailing since she was born and literally was born on a boat and spent the first four years of her life sailing with her dad.

Everyone's freaking out because she's "too young to handle the mental stress of being alone two years".
When no one would let her, Laura ran away and was about to set sail. Until the stupid adults found her and literally dragged her back home. Her lawyer, Peter De Lange, says she has enough experience.
Laura's taking all the safety courses, she knows a boat like the back of her hand. Let her go! Let the girl accomplish her dream and prove this idiotic world that no matter what your age, you can do anything!

People say she's mental. I say she's got guts.

If that Dutch court doesn't have her on the ocean in five months, I bet you anything they're going to have a very angry Celtic Traveler.

And a very peeved Dutch girl.

The other video won't embed so click here.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Marlfox Quotes

Picture by Keravist
See pale eyes and swirling cloak,/Appear like nightmare,/Vanish like smoke./Marlfox!/What steals upon the silent air,/Gleaming fangs, mottled fur,/A deadly axblade is lying there./Marlfox!/Nobeast living can hide from thee,/O thou who treads invisibly,/Cross hill and vale through woods and rocks./Marlfox!/ Marlfox!

'Twas but a tale for your amusement,/Like my small unworthy rhyme,/Gone, alas, into those realms,/The land of once upon a time.

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" Jangular rose with a sigh. "Because you called me fat an' said I was three seasons dead."

"An actor can be young or old, /Figure of fun or hero bold,/From tears to laughter without a pause,/I strut the stage to your applause,/Then I look in my mirror and say, /‘Hey,What fool shall I play today?’"

"Call yoreself a Reguba. Hah!" Quivering with rage, Rusvul snapped his javelin in two pieces and flung them from him, tears of anger glittering in his eyes. "I wish that spear'd gone right through an' slain me, rather than stand 'ere an' see the Reguba blood shamed by a son of mine. Coward!"

"But let me say this t'you, Rusvul Reguba. I never knew you was a foolish beast until tonight. Our young 'uns are the hope of the future. They need t'be 'elped, not 'umiliated. It took no bravery to call Dann a coward-he loves you too much to answer back. So all you did was bring shame on yoreself by the way you talked to Dann. No, don't answer or argue, jus' think about it, matey. An' that's the advice of a friend."

“If you eat to much you’ll sink the boat,/Burst yore shoes an’ split yore coat,/Just scoff enough so you stay afloat,/‘Tis manners, good manners!/If you pinch the vittles from another’s plate,/Wait till he’s lookin’ the other way, mate,/An’ when fish are bitin’, don’t eat the bait,/‘Tis manners, good manners!/If yore a shrew of the Guosim clan,/You must be sure to think of a plan,/To share yore matey’s pudden or flan,/‘Tis manners, good manners!/Remember to chew everythin’ in sight,/If it don’t bite back, than get first bite,/An’ always take a basinful to bed each night,/‘Tis manners, good manners!”
"Start diggen' yore graves now, 'cos we ain't goin' t'dig 'em for ye!"

"Strange, isn't it? Last night we were the best of friends with the Riverheads, this mornin' they're out for our blood. All because of a boat an' a stick!"

“Armed to the dirty mangy teeth,/Ten of ‘em came at me,/Hoho, me buckoes, here, sez I,/Only ten of ye?"

"Haw haw haw! Did ye mind the look on yon laddie's beak when I threatened tae eat his wife? He looked fair happy, so he did!"

The Dibbuns shod off their blanket cloaks and began dusting themselves down. "C'mon, Wugg, us gonna be Red'all Warriors. Wot does Red'all Warriors look like, mista Rusbul?" Rusvul looked at the Dibbuns standing boldly before him. "Just like you three, mates."

"Dann, me ole mate, wake up! Y'can't die an' leave me here all alone on me own. C'mon, Dann, I'm beggin' yer, mate, wake up! If you die an' leave me down 'ere on me own, I'll never speak t'you again, so there!" Opening his eyes, Dann found himself staring into Dippler's tearstained face. Despite his aching body, the squirrel smiled. "You muddle-'eaded little ragbag, you'll never speak to me again if I die? That's a good 'un, mate!" The Guosim shrew hugged his friend heartily. "You know wot I mean, Dann!"
"I think I'd sooner be a slave than a Marlfox, you live a little longer." The old mouse shrugged, resting his head against the bars. "Don't be too sure of it, pal. How long d'ye think we're goin' to last with Mokkan as King around here?"
"Good morrow to ye, mates. I'm Dann Reguba. Anybeast fancy bein' liberated today?"
She smiled grimly at him as she raised a loaded sling and spoke the last words Ullig was ever to hear in his life. "Well well, if'n it ain't Ullig the Slave Cap'n!"
"Please gaze round our garden, remember me there,/And always be faithful and true,/ Then look to the sunset and know that somewhere,/ 'Tis I who'll be thinking of you./Home, home, I will come home,/ Back to the ones I love best,/Home, home, no more to roam,/My weary heart will rest."

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Hobbit: Starring...The Fellowship?

Again, I'm expectant for the new Hobbit movie. There's quite a few characters I love that they BETTER not mess up on-Like Beorn, Bard, Roac (the raven), & Thorin.
But words also getting around that they might add some people from the Fellowship of the Ring.
If they did, here's a few ideas how:

Legolas-at least show him in the crowd of woodelves, or as Marian said on http://all-that-is-gold.blogspot.com/, maybe he could save the dwarves.

Saruman-At the wizard council Gandalf mentioned.

Aragorn-(My personal favorite) He's old enough anyway and could probaly be shown guarding the Shire with the other Rangers, or conversing with Gandalf about how to hunt Gollum.

Elrond-Yeah, everyone's saying he'll come in. But I don't know how that can be.

Edit: Silly me. This post was published years after I read The Hobbit, and apparently I forgot that Elrond was in it.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Here We Come A Wassailing

My favorite Christmas song of the season!
Best ever.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


I first saw this ad at the movie theater, and when I did, everyone in that dark theater was holding their sides and laughing hysterically.

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Long Patrol Quotes

Picture by Sharsarannon
"She's called Cregga Rose Eyes, wields a pike that four otters couldn't lift!" Osmunda nodded in admiration. "Hurr, she'm got'n a purty name awright." Russa laughed mirthlessly. "There's nought pretty about it! That one's called Rose Eyes because her eyes are blood red with battle light. I'd hate to be the vermin that tried standin' in her path."

"D'you know why I'm alive today? 'Cos my enemies are dead."

“Oh, it’s hard and dry, when the sun is high/And dust is in your throat,/ When the rain pours down, near fit to drown,/And soaks right through your coat./But the hares of the Long Patrol, my lads,/ Stouthearts they walk with me,/ Over hill and plain, and back again,/ By the shores of the wide blue sea./ Through mud and mire to a warm campfire,/I’ll trek with you, old friend,/O’er lea and dale, in a roaring gale,/ Right to our journey’s end./ Yes, the hares of the Long Patrol, my lads,/ Love friendship more than gold. /We’ll share good days, and tread long ways,/ Good comrades brave and bold.”

"It'll wallop a weasel,/Sock a stoat,/Or fling a ferret from 'is coat,/ 'Twould knock a fox clean out his socks,/My liddle stick o' wood!"

"Who'm dig deep'n make best 'ole?/Only us'n's, we be moles!"

They must've numbered fifty or more when we first met 'em, sir. By my count they still got'n thirty-two." "Hardly enough for eleven bold chaps 'n' chapesses like us," Riffle snorted scornfully. "Thirteen if y'count Tam an' Russa. I say, thirteen, is that unlucky?" Lieutenant Morio stood up, dusting off his paws. "Aye, unlucky for them when we catch up with 'em."

"Night comes soft, 'tis daylight's end,/Sleep creeping gently o'er all,/ Bees go to hive, birds fly to nest,/ Whilst pale moonshadows fall./ Silent earth lies cloaked in slumber,/ Stars standing guard in the skies,/ 'Til dawn steals up to banish darkness,/ I must close my weary eyes./ Safe dreams, peace unto you, my friend,/ Night comes soft, 'tis daylight's end."

"I say, you rips up there, leave us alone or we'll scoff your jolly old leader. I'm quite serious, y'know. Chop, chop, yumyum, eatim alla up, as you blighters might say, savvy?"

"Wot does the Major mean by arboreal verdance, sah?"
"Hmm, arboreal verdance, lemme see, I rather think it means treetops, leafy green ones."
"Oh! Then why didn't 'e say treetops?"
"Why should he when he knows how t'say words like arboreal verdance?"
Rockjaw cuffed the moaning rat lightly. "Hush thy noise, or I'll give thee summat to moan about an y'won't see your arboreal verdance again!"

"Thanks to seasons an' jolly good luck,/ We've all got a sword an' a head,/ An' the way we'll tuck into these vittles,/Will show that we're living not dead."

"A hare in a frock coat so fine an' so long,/Scraped on a small fiddle an' banged a big gong,/He seized the poor mother an' gave a loud cry,/'Let's warm up our paws with a reel, you an' I!'/'O mother sweet mother oh may I look now?'/'Come stir y'stumps daughter an' look anyhow',/As she whirled around the good mother did call,/'There's a handsome one here with no partner at/All!"

"Ah'll give yon Warfang an' his ilk some deathsongs t'sing!"

"...Radiant in splendour fair,/Ever mine, hidden where?"

He stared at Midge for some time, then asked, "Could you have turned Rinkul into a toad?" Cocking his head, Midge returned the stare boldly. "That's my business, Warlord."

"Come on, thee cowardly scum. Ah'll wager nobeast warned ye about Coodwife Grang's eldest son. Eulaliaaaaaa!"

"Why can't they just be like ordinary peace-lovin' creatures an' leave us alone?" Paw on swordhilt, the squirrel Champion shrugged. "Hard to say, really, Skip. There'll always be vermin of that kind, with no respect for any creature, takin' what they please an' never carin' eho they have to slay, as long as they get what they want. Peaceful creatures to them are weak fools. But every once in a while they come up against beasts like us, peace-lovin' an' easy-goin', until we're threatened. Win or lose then, we won't be killed, enslaved or walked on just for their cruel satisfaction. No, we'll band together an' fight for what is ours!"
Perigord shook his head and smiled mockingly. "Oh, is that all you've got t'say? Wasted you're breath, really, didn't you?"

Held fast by for Rapscallions, the Major still struggled to break free and get at his enemy, even though he was twice wounded. "So be it, foulface. Come on, vermin, let's have at it, wot!" Damug looked Perigord up and down. Dried blood was caked over the Major's brow, covering his right eye, while the Redwall tunic hung from him in shreds, revealing a ragged scar on one shoulder. The Greatrat sneered contemptuously. "Your fighting days are over, fool. I'm going to make an example of you in front of your friends. Conquered beasts always learn to behave better when they see thier leader executed. Get him down in front of me and bend his head!"

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


If you haven't heard this song yet, you must've been living under a rock.:)
Anyway, I love it and I hope you do too.


Monday, December 7, 2009

Remember Pearl Harbor

Oh my gosh, I CANNOT believe that NO ONE mentioned this today. Why do people keep trying to forget tradgedies, when we should remember and honor the fallen in our hearts?

Well, I'M not going to forget.
Please do the same.

On The Importance Of Space Travel

This is from the new Flight book, a collection of short stories in comic form. I for one, can't wait to read this story by Svetlanda Chmakova.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Pearls of Lutra Quotes

Picture byPsychoAngel51402
O curse the name Mad Eyes,/Say woe to the day/When he tried to steal/Tears of all Oceans away./All corsairs and searats/Whose messmates lie dead,/Saw blood and hot flame/Turn the seas flowing red./Though northcoast lies far/And the ocean is wide,/Run from the green arrows/Of vengeance, and hide./For the price of six tears/Through the dreams of us all,/Walks the fear of a warrior/From the place called Redwall./Now the life of our Brethren/Who followed the sea,/Will ne’er be the same/For such rovers as we./‘Twas the greed of a tyrant/That brought us to shame,/Six tears for a crown--/Curse the emperor’s name!

"Dead and gone, no, gone to be dead,/ Following the crack that runs through his head."

"This is war! Cut 'er loose, Rocpaw, 'tis waaaaaar!"

"Run from me, hide from me,/ Still my shafts will find you./ All you vermin of the sea,/ I must bring swift death to./ Lutra's Holt has not yet gone,/ By my bow I swear it so,/ I alone will carry on,/ Wreaking vengeance where I go./ Run from me, hide from me,/ Hear my longbow singing,/ Grath of Lutra's family,/ Sleep to you is bringing."

"Golden guardian of my wealth,/ Hear me now, be still,/ Deathly fang and coiling stealth,/ Bend unto my will."

"Just you give the word when yer ready, an' I'll show ye the color of yer insides!"

"I’m the babe of a bloodripper,/Born in the teeth of a gale,/I’m the one who wields a sword,/An’ makes the foebeast wail./I’m as sharp as the reef rock,/I carry death in me paw,/Go were I like, slay who I will,/
That’s the corsairs law!/Blood’s me favorite color,/I’m swifter’n lightnin’ aye,/Stand out me way, stand out I say,/Step aside now, or die!/‘Cos I’m the spawn O’ nightstorm,/An’ death sails in me wake,/I sheath me blade in innards,/An’ what I want, I take!/Come one, come all, I’m waitin’,/I’ll flay your carcass bare,/So everyplace I go they’ll say,/“Ahoy, you bold corsaaaaiiiirrrrrr!"

The vermin laughed and cheered as he twiddled a tune on his melodeon, singing in a cracked baritone, "Would yer plunder from yer mother?/Yes I would, yes I would,/For me mother always said I was no good./I'm a searat bred an' born,/An' I'm sailin' in the morn,/Stan' aside, me lucky buckoes, let me go!/Cut me teeth upon a cutlass/Yes I did, yes I did,/An' me pore ole daddy ran away an' hid,/Sayin', "That's no child o' mine,/Let 'im sail across the brine,/Stan' aside now for the vermin, let 'im go!"/If there's plunder in the offin'/That's fer me, that's fer me,/An' I never charge, I'll kill you all for free,/Give me lots o' lovely loot,/An' a cask o' grog ter boot,/Up the anchor, loose the sails an' let me go!"

"Whether she sails on river or sea,/May the wind be always behind her,/May she always be welcomed by friends like me,/May the foebeast never find her./Let her crew hold the lives of each other dear,/And avoid every sharp rock or reef,/Good seasons and fates now listen and hear,/Keep this gallant Freebeast from all grief!"

"Of all the creatures in the land,/The sea or in the air,/Not one of 'em is half so grand,/Or as noble as a hare./A hare can jump, a hare can run,/He don't live down a hole,/In fact a hare's a lot more fun,/Than almost any mole./A hare's courageous and so brave,/Good-mannered and quite courtly,/Sometimes he's serious and grave,/But never fat, just portly./He never puts a footpaw wrong,/His disposition's sunny,/With ears so elegant and long,/Not stubby like a bunny./So sing his praises everywhere,/This creature bold, with charm to spare,/The one thing better than a hare,/Is two hares, that's a pair!"

"Hmph! Good job I'm polite an' withdrawn too, not like these otter types, brash common wallahs. Still, what can one expect of a creature with funny little ears an' a tail like a bally plank."

Craklyn whirled her bushy tail fiercely. "Aye, and when we do we'll stuff 'em down the throats of those scum who kidnapped our friends, one by one!" Friar Higgle crept smiling from the infirmary, murmuring, "Very nice for young abbeymaids, charmin'."

Unfolding it, she read aloud, "There is a warrior,/Where is a sword?/Peace did he bring,/The fighting Lord. /Shed for him is my fifth tear./Find it in the title here,/Written in but a single word,/And eye is an eye, until it is heard."

“There was an otter be a stream,/Come ringle dum o lady,/Who fell asleep and had a dream,/All on the bank so shady./He dreamt the stream was made of wine,/It flowed along so merry,/And when he drank it tasted fine,/Like plum and elderberry./And all the banks were made of cake,/Come ringle ding my dearie,/As nice as any cook could bake,/That otter felt quite cheery./He drank and ate with right good will,/Till wakened by his daughter./She said, ‘I hope you’ve had your fill,/Of mud and cold streamwater!’/Come ringle doo fol doodle day,/Come wisebeast or come witty,/A fool who dreams to dine that way,/Must waken to self-pity.”

"Oh, that's a great help. I thought you were going to tell us all something intelligent for a moment there!"

“If Sister Cicely serves some soup,/She’ll surely see some sup it,/Swig it swift, sure and slick,/Should it set stiff ‘n’slimy, then suck it./If Cicely suspects that such soup has been scorned,/She’ll slip slyly in and even the score,/So if Sister persists, woe to him that resists,/Cicely’s certain to serve him some more."

Baring his yellowed teeth, the searat spat on the ground. "I ain't talkin' to nobeast an' you can't make me!" With startling speed, Grath leaped over the fire, landed in a crouch facing Gowja and fixed him, eye to eye. Her voice was dangerous, like the growl of thunder on a far horizon. "Keep lookin' at me, scum, and don't dare blink! I am Grath Longfletch of Holt Lutra, the only one of my tribe left alive after yore kind visited my home. When I've eaten my vittles you'll talk t'me, in fact I'll wager you'll make a babblin' brook seem dumb by the time I'm finished with you!"

“Sad winds sweep the shores,/Near a place called Holt Lutra,/Where first I saw daylight the day I was born,/And lone seabirds call/O’er the grave of them all,/Whilst my tears mingle into the seas as I mourn./
For those Tears of all Oceans,/Six pearls like pink rosebuds,/Once plucked from the waters beneath the deep main,/Oh my father, oh my mother/Dear sisters and brothers,/In the gray light of dawn all my family were slain./They sailed in by nightdark,/Those cold heartless vermin,/Their pity as scant as a midwinter’s breath,/Then laughing and jeering/As slashing and spearing,/My kinfolk were slaughtered by wavescum to death./But there greatest mistake was,/They left Lutra’s daughter,/I swore then an oath that the seasons would show,/My Green arrows flying,/And seavermin dying,/Cursing with their last breath the swift song of my bow./So vengeance will drive me,/As long as my paw’s strong,/To sharpen a shaft and my bowstring to stretch,/The price vermin paid,/For six pearls in a raid,/Is that death bears the same name as I, Grath Longfletch.”

"Let the birds fly high before us,/An' our wake trail straight behind./When yore heart is yearnin' for it,/Home is not too hard to find./May our way be bright an' sunny,/Back to where the campfires burn,/There our friends an' families waitin',/For the warriors to return./Are the old ones happily livin'/An' the young ones tall an' grown?/We will soon see smilin' faces,/Of all those we've always known./Far we've travelled, long we've wandered,/Morn till night an' dusk to dawn,/But there's no place we'll rest easy,/Save the land where we were born."

Thursday, December 3, 2009

New Percy Jackson Trailer

Yes! I was correct-Sean Bean IS playing Zeus.
Okay, some parts do look a bit odd and all, but it still looks good. Best line so far? "This is a pen."

Monday, November 30, 2009

Elizabeth Had No Chance

I do not own the rights, of course. These belong to Jane Austen and Focus Features. The Deviant artists are as follows: sonny123, cuetherevolution, renton1313, ooShionoo, twelveofdecember, Delight046, Ladama Llama, hitora, and ellaine.

Please do not sue me and yadda yadda.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

Outcast of Redwall Quotes

Picture by angelsunbomb
"When blood of weak meets blood of strong,/ Reap the whirlwind you have sown,/ Beware the lightning summer mark,/ Of one whom you have known./ To the Lord who scorns all pity,/ Open wide Dark Forest Gate,/ There a little flower awaits,/ One day to seal your fate."

"Each of us is born to follow a star, be it bright and shining or dark and fated. Sometimes the paths of these stars will cross, bringing love or hatred. However, if you look up at the skies on a clear night, Out of all the countless nights that twinkle and shine, there will come one. That star will be seen in a blaze, burning a path of light across the roof of the earth, a great comet. Think on these words as my tale unfolds. Mayhap you will learn something valuable, not about stars, but of the value friendship brings."

"I am the messenger of Death and fate. I see visions in the stars, the wind, and the eyes of many!" Greenclaw had heard enough. Drawing his sword, he came at the vixen. "Did your visions tell that you'd end up dead today?"

"Arm not alas sand, 'way south in the west,/ So star land a mat, there's where I love best,/ Sand not as alarm, lone seabirds do wing,/ And alas most ran, list' to me whilst I sing."
He hung on to the turning limb, shouting, "Stop! Stop! What do you want?" The big eel sank back and, wrapping itself around the hawser, it pulled with the others as it answered, "Want you..."

"When I was just a little beast,/ I was so small an' weak,/ I'd often fall flat on me tail,/ An' I could 'ardly speak./ I scarce could totter round the floor,/ Me whiskers used to droop,/ 'Til granma made a great big pot/ Of good ole 'otroot soup!"

"I am Swarrt Sixclaw, Warlord of this horde!" Balefur looked away insolently as if dismissing him. "Aye, so ah've heard, what else is new, ferret?"

"Oh, 'Twas all in the summertime,/ Our hearts did sadly grieve,/ The searats stole up in the night,/ And with our babes did leave."

"Ooooh! Plip plop, hear the water drop,/ And larks take wing as the buds go pop!/ And the sun do shine as the birds do sing,/ Throw open wide the gates of spring!"

"Cut the cake, cut the cake,/ Cut the cake for goodness sake,/ Me an' my mate have each got a plate,/ An' here we have to sit an' wait./ So cut the cake, say the grace,/ Let's get cream upon me face,/ An' sticky paws as a slice I take,/ Oh cut that cake for goodness sake!"

"I never asked your species, hare, er, squirrel, I asked your name! What is it?" The squirrelhare leapt to a higher branch, missed it, and fell flat on the ground in front of Sumin. "You don't want to know!" he said. "Yes, I do!" "Oh, all right, then. M' name is Wilthurio Longbarrow Sackfirth Toxophola Fedlric Fritillary Wilfrand Hurdleframe Longarrow Leawelt Pugnacio Cinnabar Hillwether..." "Stop, stop! You were right, I don't want to know!"

"Come on now, don't go sulkin' an' mopin', apologize t'me like a goodbeast an' ask me fer mercy." He kicked the Captain, sending him sprawling on the road. Muggra spat earth as he whimpered, "Mercy, Lord, I was wrong to argue with yer!" Swarrt laughed harshly, stepping on Mugra's back as he passed him. "Get out o' me sight, y' snivellin' craven, an' thank yer lucky stars I'm in a good mood t'day!"

"Oh we chased 'em off the highway,/ They fled off to the west,/ We sent 'em every whichway,/ Our warriors are the best./ They'll never see ole Redwall,/ 'Cos they were forced to flee,/ Sent on their way by shaft 'n' stone/ From every greenwood tree."

"Just before I slew him, my old father used to have a saying: "Where fate is sealed on battle's field,/ And many low are laid,/ The wisest mind stays behind,/ And let the fools get slayed!"

Give him a name and leave him awhile,/ Veil may live to be evil and vile,/ Though I hope my prediction will fail,/ And evil so vile will not live in Veil.

"Veil, you must go now. I declare you Outcast!" a cry like that of a wounded animal broke the silence. Byrony dashed forward, trying to get hold of the young ferret. "No, no! Not my Veil. Please, let him stay. I'll look after him, he'll change, you'll see, I'll talk to him...!"

Veil looked stunned as Jodd cut the bonds from his paws, and he stared at the old badger on the steps, crying, "What about me? I've got no family, I'm alone. What'll I do?" Seizing the ferret's paws in a vicelike grip, Skipperjo brought his face close and said through gritted teeth, "Little Sixclaw the poisoner, eh? I knowed who you was, matey, from the day I picked you up suckin' frogspawn in a muddy ditch! Yore the whelp of that other six-clawed vermin, Swarrt the Warlord. Aye, the one who's over at Salamandastron mountain right now, fightin' the great badger lord. Why don't yer travel over thatways, due west and through the mountains, they say, an' take a look at some real slayin', or would 'onest warfare be too noble for a sneakin' poisoner!" Then, dragging Veil by both paws, the big otter lugged him through the gateway and flung him on the path. "Go an' work your evil someplace else, scum!"
Inside on the lawn, Bella and the Abbess held Byrony close between them as she pleaded, wept, and begged for them to give Veil one last chance-Veil, the ferret she had reared and loved from a babe, despite all his evil ways.
Sunflash smiled at Sundew. "Afraid, missie?" he asked. She looked up at the Badger Lord, his golden stripe showing through the open visor of a high black war helmet, massive chest covered by a fine chain-mail tunic, and the great mace balanced easily over his broad shoulder. "Not while you're around, Sire!" she said.
Gasping for breath, he pleaded for his life, "Sirrah, a boon, a boon, spare me!" There was no mercy in the face of the Long Patrol Captain. He knocked the rapier to one side and thrust forward with the curving sabertip. "You ask for mercy, ferret? You who moments ago whipped a wounded creature with your blade! Tchah! You have lived the life of a coward, now learn t'die like a soldier, sir!"
"Why do creatures have to have wars and kill one another? Why can't everybeast live in peace and be contented? I was just thinkin' before you came in, Sire, Fordpetal won't ever see another summer day or laugh an' smile again. Why?"
Togget was snoring gently and Byrony's eyes were beginning to droop when she heard a deep bass voice singing: "One day in spring I said to me wife,/ 'Though we're close together as fork 'n' knife,/ An' I've loved y'dearly all of me life,/ Still I'll have to follow the wateeeeeeeer!' "
"We may have the numbers, but they've got the heart!"
Byrony felt the shaft of the javelin strike her hard across her back. She was knocked flat. "Hahah! Gotcher mouse! What're y'doin' 'ere?" Swarrt seized her roughly and dragged the mousemaid upright. Sunflash was coughing and gagging on the liquid trapped in his throat as Veil came racing around the fire. "Yer scummy liddle sneak, you was tryin' to set 'im loose!" Swarrt roared. Veil struck Swarrt hard in the face, tearing the captive from his grasp. "Byrony, get out of 'ere. Run!"
"Right y'are, Bella marm, y'know what I always say: 'Apples is ripe when they're ready,/ When pears is ripe they'll fall,/ What must happen will happen,/ Or it won't happen at all!'"
"Home returning, home returning,/ Comes the warrior from the war,/ Home returning, home returning,/ Home to wander nevermore!"
"Is the tale finished? Oh, rats! I wanted it to go on an' on an' jolly well on f'rever!"
"There's bread an' cheese upon the shelf, want another story, tell it y'self."

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Picture by chief-orc
I know I haven't posted in a while. Sorry, please wait, it's taking me FOREVER to type up the Outcast of Redwall Quotes.
Please wait.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Redwall VS. The Vampire Hound

The last time I read The Vampire Hound by Jim Kraft was six years ago. So I read it again.
It was awesome then, and it was awesome now. Slatkin was still my favorite (despite the fact he's a bit of a villain) and the only reason it never hit the best-seller's list, was because of the mega-dorky cover. Anyhoo, just thought I'd do another Redwall vs. "animal book" face off.


.In Redwall, no humans, dogs, pigs, bears...or vampires for that matter
.VH set in Victorian London, Redwall is medieval
.Rats in Redwall are evil, but rats in VH aren't
.No rich/poor classes in Redwall
.No carriages in Redwall (Unless you count Cluny's hay cart)
.In Redwall, no mention of Historical figures
.No cemeteries in Redwall
.No cities, factories, or machinery in Redwall
.All villains die in Redwall

.Ferrets bad (kinda)
.Bad grammar on the characters' parts
.Again, with the ale. Oh yes, and the tea.
.Ferrets, rats, mice, squirrels, ravens, moles
.The low-life vermin are best chums despite the fact they're ALWAYS arguing
.Villain goes good (Blaggut & Slatkin)
.Dull-witted minions
.Villain is sadistic and quick to anger
.Poor family won't accept charity (Churchmice)
Picture by rimpala

Monday, November 9, 2009


You ain't seen nothing until you've seen the Extended Edition of The Return of the King. Even the OTHER movies paled in comparision! (And that's saying a lot.) The most action-packed, and the most funny, it took my breath away.

Yes, I finally saw it last Saturday. There was more to the battles, more amazing scenes, and even a song by Liv Tyler!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Bellmaker Quotes

Picture by Zelwood
Many warriors own the glory /But the saying in Redwall is /"This is the Bellmaker's story /Because the dream was his."

Agric developed a sudden stammer.

"I cast aside the pen in favor of the spoon."

"Give us dinner every eve, /Or we'll pack our bags and leave. /Where we'll go to we don't know, /Up the path a league or so. /If we don't find comfort there, /Back to Redwall we'll repair. /We'll eat pudden, pie, and cake, /All the Abbey cooks can make!"

"How is it that I'm naught but a flattering fraud and Saxtus gets thanked for his gallantry?" grumbled the bellmaker, as he attacked a salad busily.

"Compliments are like clouds, my friend: very pretty, but if we had to dine on them we'd starve."

"That's my Tarkers for you, always payin' me compliments," she said. "Er, that was a compliment, wasn't it?"

"Cheer up, Rufey. It'll be a great adventure. I've been on adventures before, you'll enjoy it."

Nagru dangled the pitiful rags against the cage door, chanting in a singsong voice: "Ho, Dirgecallers, swift and sleek,/ You shall have your share./ Fangs will rip and blood will leak,/ Scent your victims. There!"

Often they would break out into river shanties, gruff bass voices resounding in the countryside- "I was born on a stream and fed from a padddle,/ Shrum a doo rye 'ey, shrum a doo rye 'ey,/ And here I'll stay 'til me tail don't waggle,/ See longweeds grow where the currents flow,/ Aye, that's the way I like it soooooooooooo./ Shrum a doo rye 'ey, shrum a doo rye 'ey, /Ho run you river, run my way,/ Ho ummm, ho ummmm, ho ummmm!"

Dandin looked away from the wild glittering eyes. "Whew! Wouldn't like to meet him on a dark night." Glokkpod inched closer to the flap. "Woulda like to meet me anytime, mousa!"

Still with his paw about Rufe's shoulder, Joseph recited some words he had put together for the ceremony:" Friend is a very small word,/ A little sound we make,/ For one who is there, one who will do,/ Great deeds for friendship's sake."

Furrtil had regained her composure by now. She attached herself to Blaggut's leg, chuckling, "Oi loik 'ee, zurr. You'm a funny vurmint." "D'yer 'ear that, cap'n? The liddle molemaid likes me!" The searat's face was a picture of delight.

"Comin' aboard, ahoy, an' all that nautical nonsense!"

"Whoa there was an ole lobster who married a cod,/ Boggle me barnacles, sail off t'sea,/ And tho' all the cockles an' clams thought it odd,/ Boggle me barnacles, over the brine,/ I know yer a codfish but darlin' yore mine!"

"This humble abode doth suit me fine,/ A simple homely place, 'tis mine."

"They murdered and tricked their way into power-have you ever heard of them, Finn?" The sea otter touched his twin sword hilts ominously. "No, but when we meet, I'm sure the pleasure'll be all mine, matey. I've allus been a freebeast, an' I never could take to tyrants an' conquerors, 'specialy those who'd make orphans of liddle 'uns. Bad fortune to 'em says I, an' I'm the beast who'll bring it to 'em!"

Figgs followed Rosie about, throwing her paws in the air and repeating over and over, "Lack a day, no tucker's left, lack a day!"

"Well, swoggle me whiskers an' rot me rudder, if I ain't a bottle-nosed son of a barnacle!"

"Friends, good creatures all, I thank you for rallying to me, and this, your standard. It is only and ordinary broom, but it will be the symbol of our army. This will show those who try to conquer and enslave us that ordinary things can become very dangerous, like this broom."

"Free southswaaaaaard!" The army took off like a hurricane, headed for Castle Floret with Bowly in the vanguard. Racing alongside the tribal leaders were hedgehogs, moles, mice, otters, and squirrels. With the broom waving high in his paws, Bowly yelled his war cries to the four winds. He was a warrior!

Blerun leaned on his lance and nodded. "I know; we have watched you since you camped there. Do you serve Urgan Nagru the Foxwolf?" Before an otter could lift javelin, Finnbarr's twin swords had cleared thier sheaths. He went into a fighting crouch, his single eye glittering hotly. "No, matey, we've come t'battle with 'im, so if you're on the Foxwolf's side we'd best start the party right 'ere!"

Blaggut walked around the ramparts and descended by the south wall steps, stopping on the final stair. His voice was raw and husky with sorrowing. "I killed my own Cap'n this morn. Yore badger was a good creature, 'e did wrong to slay 'er. I would've stopped 'im, but it all 'appened so quick. Any 'ow, I brought back the cup fer the liddle uns an' that's that; you kin kill me now." Saxtus took the dagger from Oak Tom and stowed it in his wide habit sleeve, and he turned to the mousebabe. "You saw what happened. I leave it to you. Does he deserve to die, or would you let him live?" There was a moment's silence. Every Redwaller looked on anxiously as the mousebabe trundled over to the wall steps and took Blaggut's paw in his. "Mister Blackguts is good, norra killer; he makes boats." Furrtil joined him, latching herself onto the searat's other paw trustingly. "Hurr, that be roight, ee'm a gennelbeat, oi loikes 'im."
Silvamord's sword had gone right through. Fatch's head lolled to one side as he smiled weakly into Rufe's face. "Told you I'd look after you, didn't I, mate?" The eyes of Fatch, the loyal Guosim shrew, clouded over and closed for the last time. Durry Quill turned and guarded both his friends. Rufe had both paws around the body of his protector, weeping softly as he rocked him back and both.
The molebabe thought about this for a moment before replying, "Hurr, vurry good, zurrs, but ee know wot I allus say?" Rufe smiled at him. "No, tell me what you always say." The bass-voiced molebabe waved his stick in the air and charged off shouting.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Where in the nursery rhyme does it say Humpty Dumpty is an egg?
Why does an alarm go off? Shouldn't it go on?

If all the world's a stage, where's the audience sitting?

Why is the 3rd hand on the watch called the 2nd hand?

Why is rush hour so slow?

Why are bleachers called stands if they're made for sitting?

What do they put as "hair color" on the license if the man's bald?

What's another word for thesarus?

How do you know when you run out of invisible ink?

Why is it that night falls but day breaks?
If a store is open 24 hours, why are there locks on the door?
How do you get deer to cross at those yellow signs?
Do vegetarians eat animal crackers?
Aren't all mysteries unsolved?
What's the speed of dark?
Why do we have eyebrows?
Can fish drown?
Why is it called a black light if it's purple?
Do penguins have knees?
How fast does a zebra have to run before it looks grey?
Why do our feet smell and our noses run?
Who shuts the door when the bus driver gets off?

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

This is the poem that first introduced me to the world of Poe.

Eldorado by Edgar Allan Poe
Picture by Gerard Kelly

Gaily bedight,
A gallant knight,
In sunshine and in shadow,
Had journeyed long,
Singing a song,
In search of Eldorado.
But he grew old -
This knight so bold -
And o'er his heart a shadow
Fell as he found
No spot of ground
That looked like Eldorado.
And, as his strength
Failed him at length,
He met a pilgrim shadow -
"Shadow," said he,
"Where can it be -
This land of Eldorado?"

"Over the mountains
Of the Moon,
Down the Valley of the Shadow,
Ride, boldly ride,"
The shade replied -
"If you seek for Eldorado!"

Monday, October 26, 2009

LOTR-Extended Edition

After months of wanting nothing more than to see the Lord of the Rings extended edition...
I finally did.

It took all of Saturday to watch the first two (which are a good 4 hours each!) and I still haven't made it to The Return of the King. But it was everything I hoped for, with more action, songs, scenes, and more closley related to the book. But if you plan to watch it, here's a list of must-haves:

1 lg bag Reees's
1 lg. bag M&M's
Ben & Jerry's
Paper and pencil for the taking of awesome notes
Large comfy pillows
Pineapple-orange juice
A lot of time on your hands

Of course, there was new music (!) Is there a Extended soundtrack? I hope so. Anyhow, here are but a few of the extended edition songs.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Martin the Warrior Quotes

Picture by cybercatmania
"Well well, you're not short of nerve, mouse. What's your name?" The answer was loud and fearless. "I am called Martin, son of Luke the warrior!"

"I am a warrior! Martin son of Luke! I will live, I will not give in and die up here! Do you hear me, Badrang? I will live to take back my father's sword and slay you one day! Badraaaaaaaanngg!"

Felldoh sat listening to the soft snores of his companions. "Oh yes, let's think of something later," he chuckled lightly to himself. "How to sprout wings, and defeat Badrang and his horde with outside help from a mole and a mousemaid. By my brush, why didn't I think of those two good ideas before?"

"Silence, wot a lovely word."
"It'd sound better if you shut yer gob an' gave it a chance."

"Oh Grumm, you're a dear!" The mole made his way back to the tunnel, murmuring to cover his embarrassment, "Oi bain't no deer, oi be a mole, an' doant 'ee fergit it, mizzy!"

"Go to sleep, you filthy bunch. /I'd love to lay you all out with a punch. /How'd you win a mother's heart /With a squiggly trunk like an eel's back part? /Is that awful smell the reason? /You haven't washed all season. /So go to sleep in your scruffy beds. /May nightmares enter your beastly heads, /And when sunlight heralds new daybreak /May you wake with a tummy ache."

Felldoh was completely lost for words. He turned away from the cart and started breaking some driftwood up for the fire. Celadine dabbed at her brow with a dainty lace square. "Oh my, oh my. I'd be all season just trying to break one teensy piece of that wood with an axe, and look at you, sir, snapping it in those great paws of yours like it was dead grass!" Trefoil the other squirrelmaid unceremoniously bundled a pile of tunics at Celadine. "Here, missy, get your paws wet washing those through and leave that poor fellow alone before he turns into a beetroot!" The temptress flounced off in a huff, laden with dirty washing. Trefoil began snapping wood alongside Felldoh. "Take no notice of her, friend. I've seen her fluttering her eyelashes at dragonflies."

"Oi know lots o' things but oi doant know why oi knows 'em."

"The old earth gently turns as the seasons change / Slowly. /All the flowers and leaves born to wane. /Hear my song o'er the lea, like wind soft and /Lowly. /Oh, please come back to Noonvale again."

"Never. I would rather die!"
"Hoho, missy, that kin be arranged."

"Harr, the murderin' scoundrels, 'ooever they are."

Pallum could not resist doing a comical impression of the warden. Strutting stiff-legged, he glared at Grumm and spoke sharply. "I am the law. These are my marshes. I am the law!" Both the hedgehog and the mole burst into subdued chuckles. The warden turned and glared at them. "Make fun of the law, and I deal with you. I am the law!"

"He seems to know the country well enough." "Oh yes, and do you know why that is?" Martin smiled knowingly. Leaning close he whispered into Rose's ear so that the warden could not hear. "Because he is the law!"

"O fie on you, O great disgrace, /Look at that sad unhappy face, /I'll not walk with you, /Not one pace, /You're not the one I love."

"What can I say except, break a leg!" Felldoh looked puzzled until Ballaw explained. "In the actin' game it's our way of sayin' good luck to a chap." The baby Fuffle waved his wooden spoon. "Break bofe legs!" There was laughter and applause for the infant's wisdom.

"Yurr am oi, Malcumm, completely disgusted, /'Stead o' water oi bin drownded in custed!"

"You Rambling Rosehip Players, you seem to make a joke of everything. Don't you realize we're in the middle of a battle, fighting for our lives?" Ballaw patted his head with a bandaged paw. "What d'you want us to do then, laddie buck? Break down an' weep? Make the best of the situation, m'boy."

"Don't think about what you could have done, concentrate on what you plan to do; it is more useful."

"I'll just go back to buryin' yer dead an' wait fer you to turn up as a customer."

Rose stared at Martin; it was as if she were looking at a strange creature. He was still as a rock, the blood rising behind his eyes as his paw whitened with the furious grip he had on his sword handle. The blade rose above his head and fell in a straight line, pointing at Badrang's hated fortress. The horde went silent, staring up at the Warrior mouse, waiting as the word rolled from his lips like steel striking stone. "Chaaaarge!!!"

He was trying to force himself to stab and slay the foebeast when the rat whined out pleadingly, "It's me, matey, Wulpp. Don't kill me!" Brome gasped. It was Wulpp, the searat whose injured paw he had treated when, disguised as a corsair, he had gained entry to Marshank. Brome thrust the javelin into the sea close to Wulpp's neck. Leaning down, he muttered to the terrified rat, "Lie still. When we're gone take off south down the beach. I never want to see you again. Good luck!"

"I'm arf a stoat an' arf a mole, /An' I'll bury youse all in a nice deep 'ole, /Down, down where it's still an' cold, /An' y'never live to get old!"

"I was never in a war, is it always this complicated?" Rose shrugged as she twirled a sling. "Your guess is as good as mine, Pallum. I was never in one either!"

"But furr all seasons everybeast shall amember thoi name, Marthen 'ee wurrier!"

Monday, October 19, 2009

Amulet 2 by Kazu Kibuishi

Be Prepared...

to pity a villian

to meet a bounty hunter

to harness the stone's power

to join a rebellion

to save your family

to fight a wolf

to defeat a monster...

Be prepared...


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Have The Best Day You've Ever Had

This is from Michael Bublé's new CD.
Makes me laugh every time!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Battle for Terra

Battle for Terra is a thrill ride for the senses, a truly beautiful and emotional masterpiece.

So why has no one heard of it before?
Because it didn't have enough advertising. People will only see a movie if they've seen a TV spot for it, or if the trailer plays countless times. Here's a newsflash for ya: We will only see it if we know about it. Same scenario with The Dark is Rising. It was an amazing movie, with spectacular acting and a fast-paced storyline. But people just didn't know about it.

But other than that, Battle for Terra was a genius film, breathtaking and seemed to be morphed from the brainchild of Kazu Kibuishi & Shaun Tan.

It just didn't advertise.

Edit: This was after briefly seeing the film. After re-watching it, I discovered that Battle for Terra had far too many tree-hugger themes.

Monday, October 5, 2009

LOTR is funnier than you think

I half died laughing when I first saw these!
Gandalf the Chipmunk Dies

Lord of the Rings could have been shorter

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Salamandastron Quotes

Picture by cybercatmania
It was cold. But not as cold as the smile on the face of Ferahgo the Assassin.

"Oh, they're fierce fighters, sure enough, but they lack cunning and suffer from silly little things, like honor and conscience."

"Let's see if this vermin can die like a warrior!"

"I never done nothin', smartstoat, it was you!"
"Oh, stow the gab. It was both of us then. Does that make yer feel better?"

"You're an absolute bounder, Stinkee. D'you hear me? If I could get out of this confounded shrimp net I'd raise a blister on your noggin that wouldn't go down in a season!"

"But while there's life there's hope, eh. At least we'll be given food for awhile." "And then jolly well served up at a party." Pikkle gulped. "What a nice suprise. Makes a chap feel wanted, wot, wot?"

"Now you git t' sleep an' stop gabbin'."
"I go t' sleep now. G'night Mista Thugg."
"Good Night!"
"See you inna mornin'."
"Aye, now be quiet!"
"I quiet now. Dumble quiet."
"Well, I should 'ope you are!"
"Oh I are."
"Be quiet, d'you 'ear me. Be quiet!"
"Dumble quiet. You de one makin' alla noise, Mista Thugg."

Dumble's eyes widened, then he turned them ahead again, this time singing in a low urgent voice: "O Mista Thugg, don't turn around, /And don't you cause a fuss. /There's four ol' foxes wiv big sticks- /I fink they're followin' us!"

The foxes exchanged knowing smiles. One stepped forward. "Top o' the summer to ye, yer 'onner. What's in the 'avvysack?" Thrugg grinned cheerfully at the raggedy fox. "Four unconscious foxes with their tails chopped off who tried stealin' our vittles. Why do you ask?" "Hee hee, we've got a funny un 'ere, mates!" One of the foxes sniggered. Another fox drew his sword, testing the edge with his paw. "Yeh, wonder if 'e's tough as 'e's funny?" Thrugg twirled his sling ominously. "Why don't you come an' find out, mudface?" The first fox saw that the big otter was no easy proposition, so he adopted a whining tone. "Now be reasonable, friend. We're not lookin' fer trouble. You wouldn't begrudge four starvin' creatures a bite, would yer?" Thrugg took a step toward him. "Begrudge a starvin' creature a bite? Not me, matey. You come 'ere an' I'll bite you anytime."

"Ye've got a lot to learn, laddie. There's no magic in any weapon. That sword may be used for good or evil; it all depends on the creature who wields it."

"A paddle's me son an' a boat's me wife, /An' the open water is me life."

Forgrin pawed the blade of his sword, grinning at the rat. "I've sent many a beast to sleep wi' this liddle beauty. None of them ever woke up."

"Now what happens, do you kill a weasel, or do I kill a fox?" Terror had robbed Forgrin of his power of speech. A gurgling noise escaped his throat as he turned and ran along the beach. Ferahgo could throw a knife better than any creature. The long skinning knife took Forgrin between the shoulder blades before he had got thirty paces. His eyes were glazing over for the last time as the Assassin retrieved the knife. "Oh, I forgot to tell you," Ferahgo whispered close to his ear, "this game ends with the weasel killing the fox. Sweet dreams, Forgrin."

"You'm a mad ol' feller, but you'm moi best matey."

"So you don't want to be slain by murderers, eh?" Urthstripe roared with laughter as he went after the Assassin.

The sounds of yelling, chanting vermin stamping about inside the mountain was growing louder. Big Oxeye threw a paw around Lingfur's trembling shoulders and chuckled. "Noisy old lot, aren't they?"

"Goo on, Sanken, urr hurr. Make Redwall proud of 'ee!"

"We'm not behoind 'ee, young un. Us'ns are with 'ee!" Oxeye stifled a laugh as he shook paws with the molemaid. "Well, thank goodness for that. I'd hate to face a warrior like you, young molemaid." Arula wrinkled her nose. "Thankee koindly, zurr."

Flourishing the hat elegantly, Thrugg kissed his sister's paws affectionately, declaring aloud, tongue in cheek, to the whole of Redwall: "You was never out o' my thoughts, sister dear, an' all the time I was freezin' in the mountains, battlin' crows an' livin' lower than a lame toad, there was one question that I made me way back here to ask yer." Thruggan sniffed slightly, and asked in an apologetically tender voice, "What was that, brother o' mine?"
"What's fer tea? Me an' me mates is fair famished!" The four falcons joined the crowd of Redwallers who had flooded out to greet them, laughing uproariously as they watched Thrugg fleeing across the abbey grounds with Thruggan hard on his heels, swinging a twig broom. "You bottlenosed rogue, I'll give yer tea. You'll get a taste of this when I catch up with ye!"

"Heroes, Samkin-we were never short of them: Thrugg, little Dumble, Arula and yourself, brave creatures all! What more could an old one like me desire than to rest here with Redwallers enjoying themselves in good health, peace and happiness..."