Saturday, January 16, 2010

Faun to Hobbit?

Fantasy movies like using eachothers' actors, it seems.

James McAvoy, who played Mr. Tumnus in the Chronicles of Narnia, is being considered for Bilbo in the upcoming Hobbit movie. Which, I don't have a problem with...

And Cameron Rhodes who played Famer Maggot in The Fellowship(A.K.A the frightened hobbit the ringwraith questioned) played the gryphon in the movie previously mentioned.

And Ray Winstone who was Mr. Beaver in Narnia, is going to play Ares in Percy Jackson!
It's a small world, huh?


  1. I don't know if he's going to get the part or not, but I'd love it if McAvoy played Bilbo!!! He seems to be a good age for move-version Bilbo, and I'm sure he could act the part well.

  2. McAvoy would make a really great Bilbo, I think!

  3. I read that McAvoy had denied that rumor, several times in fact.


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