Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Secret of Kells

I discovered this on accident, and am so very glad I did.
It's starting to get pretty famous and has won loads of awards. It looks completely stunning and I can't wait to see it!

"A tour-de-force!"
"Absolutely luscious to behold!"
- Variety

"Stunning! A cascade of light, color and wonder burst from the screen!"
- The Irish Times

"Holds the spectator in a waking dream from beginning to end!"
- Le Monde

"Visually ravishing and doused in Celtic magic! Captivatingly original!"
- Screen Daily

"Pure magic! The Secret of Kells leaves you stunned by its originality, audacity and pure artistry!"
- Newsarama


  1. this i should love to see, thank you for sharing!

  2. Wow, this looks pretty darn amazing. I'm soo curious about it now. When I get curious I never stop until my curiosity is finally satiated. (:


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