Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's!

 Picture by gamingaddictmike125
Have a great St. Patrick's day!
To celebrate, here's a few fun facts about the Emerald Isle:

-Ireland eats more cornflakes per capita than any other country.
-Irish used the starch water left over from boiled potatoes to stiffen their collars.
-Since he was 14, Peter O'Toole has only worn green socks.
-The Cliffs of Moher are also The Cliffs of Insanity in The Princess Bride.
-In terms of price and quantity, more art has been stolen from the Russborough House than any other museum in the world.
-In Ireland, there are twice as many cattle as people.
-The only horse breed native to Ireland is the Connemara pony.
-The Longest place name in Ireland is Muckanaghederdauhaulia, which means pig marsh between two saltwater inlets.
-The oldest New Testament in the world is in the Chester Beatty Library in Dublin.
-There are no snakes or earthquakes in Ireland.
-The Celtic harp is the symbol of Ireland, not the shamrock.
- Even without touring and only a few TV apppearances, Enya has sold more than 70 million albums!
-Thomas Lefroy was a Chief Justice of Ireland for fourteen years. He's also the man Jane Austen based Mr. Darcy on.
-George Bernard Shaw called his writing studio behind his house after the British capital, so when unwanted visitors came calling, they were told that he was "in London".
-Arists, writers, composers and sculptors that live in Ireland are exempt from paying income tax.

Again, have a great day, and thank you all for following!


  1. Neat. I guess I'll have to move to Ireland when I become a writer :) It might be worth it.

  2. Happy St. Patrick's day to you!

    Wow, I really must move to Ireland. No income taxes for writers AND musicians? The two exact things I want to be! Yes!!


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