Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ripping Off an Irish Fairytale

I recently watched 'Penelope' for the first time. While everyone was exclaiming what an original fairy tale it was, I just sat back with my arms folded thinking, Uh-huh. Right. They took an old Irish story that nobody's heard of.

Except me.

I'm telling you, the similarities are astounding!

.The movie: A witch curses Penelope's great grandad, so she's born with the face of a pig. The only way to break the curse is to marry a blue-blood.

.The tale: In the story of Oisin & Tir Na Nog, a girl named Niamh is cursed BY HER DAD to have the FACE OF A PIG. The only way to BREAK THE CURSE IS TO MARRY a son of Finn, or Oisin.

Sound familiar? Thought so.
The only thing Irish in the movie was the pub.
But, still.


  1. I've heard of that fairy tale somewhere. I can't remember where, though.

  2. the WIERDEST fairy tale I have ever heard. ;)

    God Bless You,


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