Saturday, June 19, 2010

Redwall VS. Nurk

I recently read a charming book called "Nurk" by Ursula Vernon. It was refreshing to read a cute, only 100-page book after all the thick novels I've gotten into. Sure, it was a little juvenile, but that was to be expected. But it was a witty and very enjoyable story about a young shrew who goes  to return someone's mail, but gets caught up on an adventure involving dragonflies, an evil wizard, and talking fish.

Sounds pretty so-so, but if you'd give it a shot you'd love it. Anyway, here's another opponent to Redwall. Enjoy!

.Trees and forests are giant in Nurk
.No hummingbirds or dragonflies in Redwall
.Moles evil in Nurk
.In Redwall, carp are eaten, not made friends with
.No good royalty in Redwall (if you don't count the Badger lords)
.Nurk has modern conveniences, like scissors

.Nurk wants to have an adventure like his hero (similar to Matthias and Martin)
.Nurk's full name is mega-long like Jodd's
.Shrews, moles, salamanders
.Shrews sail
.Like most Redwall heroes and heroines, Nurk is an orphan
.Nurk finds ancient journal that helps him on his quest
.Hamsters are mentioned in Nurk (like Mokug in "Triss")
Picture by Ursula Vernon

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