Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Because Disney is a very decisive, stick-to-the-original-plan company, they've decided to changed their "Rapunzel" movie's title to "Tangled." Oh, and they've also changed the prince to a bandit.

But I'm not complaining. Here are some beautiful production stills (I suggest clicking on them for a larger view) 
Voice talents include Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi.

P.S.-Today is the one-year anniversary of The Grey Traveler's Inn! Thanks for everything!


  1. I'm never too old for Disney! I want to watch this!! :D

  2. I've never watched this movie. I've only watched Cinderella and Snow White. Actually I did start watching Beauty and the Beast, but I never finished it. Animation movies are some of the best movies nowa days.

  3. Oh, yeah, I probably should've mentioned it.
    It's coming out in November.

  4. I'd never heard of this film until now... sounds pretty interesting.

  5. That would explain why I never watched it. How many fairy tales can Disney make? it would seem they would use up all the ideas. The pictures look real fairy taleish (which I like).
    Congratulations on one year!


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