Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Oh my! I was awarded the Beyond Your Imagination Award. Thanks, Sierra!

So here how it goes: I have to name 8 books I'd like to live in for two weeks. And then I have to award eight people.

1. Middle Earth, preferably Rohan or the Shire.

2. Redwall!!! Need I say more?

3. The Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede. It sounds completely madcap.

4. The Edge Chronicles by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell. I'd love to visit the Great Library.

5. Narnia. Duh.

6. Hogwarts, definitley.

7. Sherwood during the time of Robin Hood and his Merry Men.

8. The world of Larklight by Phillip Reeves.

Now I award these amazing bloggers:

Margaret W.-Artisan of the Shire
Marian-All That is Gold
Gray-The Locket
Gwyn-Plain Girl
Izori-Just Passing By
Ivorydancer-Another Once in Time
Jare and Lib-Random Jot Downs
The Reluctant Dragon-The Reluctant Dragon


  1. Love the worlds (some I didn't know though. :) Oh and The Reluctant Dragon dosent' blog anymore. :( I miss her.

  2. Narnia is amazing! I'd love to go there, and Middle Earth is very cool too. :D

  3. The Shire!!! Yes! And of course Narnia and Hogwarts! Great choices and congrats on the awards ^_^


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