Saturday, July 3, 2010


Don't judge a book by its cover...
How many times have we heard that?
Yet I do it anyway. Though it's true we shouldn't judge people, I still judge books by the cover.
And that's not a bad thing. I'd rather read an action-packed fantasy novel than a book about a kitten who finds a home. So would I pick up the one whose cover showed a sword duel? Definitely. Or would I pick up the one that had a way-too-adorable kitten in a pink bow? *shudder*

A better example would be what happened to me a few weeks ago. I was in Barnes and Nobles browsing.  I've always passed by a book called "The Girl Who Could Fly" by Victoria Forester. I always thought it looked dull because of the cover.
And then they re-did the cover. I passed by it again and this time I snatched it from the shelf and couldn't wait to open it up. And all because the front cover looked more thrilling.
So, yeah, I guess I do judge a book by its cover.


  1. That is one strange book. The writing quality is fine, but the plot . . . it just doesn't jive with me. Maybe you'll like it though. :)

  2. Yeah, erm, not too sure about the first cover...I think I saw it in the library once and it looked so dull. The new looks way better:)

  3. I haven't read it yet, but I will.

    When I do I'll tell y'all about it.

  4. I learned alot in the graphic design field about how people think and what they tend to prefer based on what something looks like; this seems like a perfect example of that. (I should get that book sometime!)

  5. The First Cover looks like she is comiting suicide thats very Odd i like the New Cover I might Read it not to sure Yet.



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