Friday, August 27, 2010

All-Star Cast

I'm so excited for Legend of the Guardians and I hope it's successful. Most people, upon seeing the trailer for the first time go, "But...But they're owls!"

No, really?

One good move was using "Kings and Queens" as their trailer song.
Another good thing they got going are the big names they rounded up.
Like so:

Hugo Weaving as Noctus/Grimble.

Geoffrey Rush as Ezylryb.

David Wenham as Digger (my personal favorite).

Helen Mirren as Nyra.

and Jay Laga'aia as Twilight

Here's more character posters for your benefit.


  1. I love the posters, and can't wait for this! I personally think that the film will be lots better than the books (which I just didn't think were brilliantly written..)

  2. I Love the Guardians of Ga'hool series. My brother and I have been counting the days until it goes into theaters. We have watched the trailer like, five of six times!


  3. I agree with you-I simply can't wait for this movie, even though I didn't find the books that great.

  4. OHH, cooool!!!!!!
    I love the posters they picked!!
    David Wenham? Geoffrey Rush? Helen Mirren!? Whoa!
    ~ Mirriam


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