Thursday, October 14, 2010

Books Are So Suprising

I recently bought a book: "Titanic: The Long Night" by Diane Hoh. It's an excellent read that I highly recommend, but that's not the point.
The point is that I was flipping through it and found these small bits of painted paper on page 365.

I love it when I find remnants of a past reader. Once I found a fancy bookmark, and twice I stumbled across trading cards tucked between the pages.

Has anyone else had a similar experience?


  1. Pretty...I don't think I would want to lose something like that. I've found a picture of somebody in a book I've gotten...not as neat as this though.

  2. I've found plenty of things in books, from Groucho Marx quotes, to horoscopes, to silly cat stickers. :)


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