Thursday, December 9, 2010


Pictures by K. Beaton
When Edgar Allan Poe was two years old, his mother abandoned him and his three sisters.

Edgar was adopted and, a few years later, his adoptive-mother contracted tuberculosis and died.

Distraght, Edgar spent most of his time with his high-school friend's mom because he liked being around her.
She also got tuberculosis and died.

As an adult he married his adopted cousin, Virginia.
After some short years together, she (wouldn't you know it) died from tuberculosis.

...I am so very glad that I didn't know him.


  1. I saw an entire comic strip with those pics on someone's locker at school.

  2. They're from an online comic-strip called "Hark a Vagrant" by K. Beaton.

  3. ...That I never knew...I thought he was just a weird old guy that liked to write wierd poems but now I feel sorry for him!


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