Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I just got news that my favorite author, Brian Jacques, passed away  this Saturday. He was 71 years old.

His Redwall series opened up a new world for me. I remember walking into a library six years ago (was it only six?) I had seen the books before and decided to try them out. I'm so very, very glad I did. I loved everything about them. I loved the heroes and the battles, and the sense of justice and hope in each one. I read through the series as fast as I could, checking out a new one each week. When my library ran out of them, I went to a new library and continued reading them.

The Rogue Crew will be coming out in March. How I wish it wasn't the final one.

R.I.P, Mr. Jacques.
Thank for everything.


  1. The world just turned upside down.
    Rest in Peace. I'll miss you.

  2. I was so upset when I got the news. I've never felt so connected to a author before him. His writing was amazing, and I'll never forget it.

  3. We've truly lost one of the greatest literary geniuses of all time. Reading his last book will certainly be an emotional experience. Requiescat in pace, Mr. Jacques.

  4. That is So sad! We will miss you Mr. Jacques!!


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