Saturday, March 5, 2011

A Joy Forever

I love following the blogs of artists, ecspecially those who worked on animated movies.
Here are some of my favorites.

Britteny Lee does things with paper I didn't even think possible.

Abigail Halpin has such whimsical, charming sketches.

Toby Shelton is a fantastic storyboard artist for animated movies.

Rachel Bennett's artistic abilities make me jealous. Very jealous.

Justin Gerard is a modern master. Not much else to say except that he's beyond awesome.


Glen Keane is a Disney mastermind and legend. If you haven't heard of him, then your education is sadly lacking.

David Derrick does storyboard, illustration and pretty much everything else.

Geneviève Godbout's beautiful artwork must cause the paper to blush with pride.
Goro Fujita does wonderful digital art with atmostphere.

Eren Blanquet Unten. What's not to love?

Jake Parker: his drawings are a celebration of creativity and imagination (dramatic, no?)

Nathan Fowkes seems to have created his own genre. If Rembrandt  was alive, he'd be even more jealous than I am.


  1. Just wanted to stop by and say that I went and followed pretty much all of those people ^-^

    Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Hey! I made it on your list! Thanks for mentioning my blog.


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