Saturday, June 18, 2011

Character Questions

Though I wasn't necessarily tagged, I simply had to do this questionnaire I got from All That is Gold (who got it from Thoughts of a Shieldmaiden).
I decided to question one of my many villains, and he's as shallow and despicable as can be expected.
I left some parts of his speech blank, as I don't want to give anything away.
As you can probably tell, I did not enjoy his "company" one bit.

Do you want a hug?
M: What is this?

Do you have any kids?
M: (laughs, then sees my expression. Sneers) You’re serious?

Have you killed anyone?
M: Ask a stupid question…

Love anyone?
M: Myself.

What is your job?
M: (examines fingernails) Captain of a ___ ship and the soon-to-be ___ .

Favorite season?
M(sighs): Lame question, let’s move on.

Who’s your best friend?
M: I don’t have friends. Only slaves.
Celtic Traveler: Get over yourself.

M: Slitting throats, torturing ___ in my spare time.
CT: You disgust me.
M: I try.

What are you going to do when this tag is over?
M: Run the crew ragged, probably yell at someone.

What is your eye color?
M: Grey.

Are you good? Or bad?
M: Oh, I’m very, very bad.
CT: At last we agree on something.

What is your greatest fear?
M: I’m not scared of anything.
CT: Except of losing your power.
M: (frowns) I suppose so...

What do you think of your parents?
M(sneering): My parents were common. I rose above them in the world, no thanks to them.

Any siblings?
M: No.

Was it fun to answer all these questions?
M: (glares) A little tedious, perhaps…

Do you have any weaknesses?
M: No.
CT: Besides being an evil, heartless scumbag, you mean.
M: I wouldn’t call that a weakness.
CT: I would.

Your favorite element?
M(maniac gleam in his eyes): Fire.

Do you care what others think of you?
M: No. Are we almost done?

Your theme song?
M: “Would You Mind if I Killed You” by Within Temptation.

What’s your species?
M: Human.
CT: Oh, I wouldn’t call you that.


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You just won 50 Awesome Points:)