Monday, August 15, 2011


The Help
rated PG-13 for thematic material.

I swore I would review every movie I saw in theaters this year, but there's really not much to tell.
After the first five minutes I left and went to go watch Harry Potter instead.

Why did I leave? Because:
a) I wasn't following any of it,
b) There was too much swearing,
c) The characters were having innapropriate conversations.

So, yeah.


  1. Read the book. I loved it and the movie. =)

  2. Swearing? Really? I bet they use the "N" word alot.

  3. I didn't hear the N word before I left, but I heard many others.

  4. You know what? I just have to say, good for you, Grey Traveler. No sense in letting ourselves be entertained by such stuff that pretty much predominates our culture, (or in supporting it, for that matter)... ah, where has quality entertainment gone? There be little of it left, I'm afraid... unless the precious few unique and decent minds don't cease to surface and increase.


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