Thursday, September 29, 2011


Sierra/Arries over at Whispers of the Wind awarded me the One Lovely Blog Award!
Thanks, Sierra!

The rules are:
List 7 things about yourself and
award 15 other lovely bloggers.

Here goes:

1. If I have a choice between researching online and researching by book, I'll choose to do it by book.
2. I'm often called an old soul.
3. I can't play an instrument to save my life.
4. I get cold very easily.
5. I'm a big history buff. To me, it's just one dang good story.
7. I wish I could apprentice myself to a famous artist for a few years (Like, say, Tony DiTerlizzi), just so he could teach me his wisdom.

I award:
Gwyn at A Celtic Cowgirl
Marian at All That is Gold
Ivorydancer at Another Once in Time
Margaret W. at Artisan of the Shire
Liz Patterson at Awake
Madeline Claire at Daisy Chains
Gray at Gray's Locket
Margaret at Hello, World


I LOVE comments.

You just won 50 Awesome Points:)