Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Random Ramblings

Living up to my slogan of "Random Ramblings", here are a few opinions, thoughts, and questions about nothing in particular:

You know that old question, "Which came first the chicken or the egg?"
I know the answer.
It was the chicken who came first.
If the egg had been first, it would have never hatched because there wouldn't have been a chicken to incubate it.

Also, science claims that tomatoes are fruits, not vegetables. Which I think is just ridiculous.
Technically, they're fruits because there's some sort of rule that any plant that has seeds is a fruit. Well, maybe they're the exception to the rule.
It's just not common sense.
Have you ever put tomatoes in a fruit salad?

And I don't care if Pluto is now classified as a "dwarf planet". Scientists just seem to have nothing better to do than turn tomatoes into fruits and planets into dwarves.
You'll always be a planet to me, Pluto.

One more question: "Is the glass half empty or half full?"
For me, it depends. If you fill a cup up, it's half full. If you pour some out, it's half empty.
It's just logic.

1 comment:

  1. Basically, it would have been quite unfair if God placed all the creatures on earth to roam free, and just placed a poor little egg all by itself to hatch. ^o^


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