Sunday, January 1, 2012

2011: A Year in Review

A Summary of Every Movie I Saw This Year and My Thoughts

Kung Fu Panda 2: For me, the best animated movie to come out this year. An excellent sequel that adds much more to the first one. Also, it's absolutely hilarious.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2: An epic ending. They could have hardly finished it better.
War Horse: A movie like this only comes once in a blue moon. An amazing, breathtaking film that had both heart and soul. Fantastic.
Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides: Classic Pirates. Jack was as hilarious as ever, but for me it was Philip that made the movie. Loads of fun.
17 Miracles: A fantastic film about a group of pioneers on the Mormon Trail, and the hardships they faced. It's a powerful movie that is both heartwarming and heart-wrenching. One you need to watch twice to appreciate, though.
Atlas Shrugged Part 1: Anyone who considers themselves American has to watch this film. Not only is it powerfully pro-Capitalism, but the cinematography was splendid and the story superb. Some bad acting occasionally, but other than than that, very well done.
The Adventures of Tintin: Funny and entertaining with some emotion thrown in, but the pacing was off and there was no tension. It should have been an amazing movie--it had all the ingredients--but it just fell flat.
Soul Surfer: The most inspirational, feel-good movie of the year. There was some bad acting (especially where Carrie Underwood was concerned) and a slightly Disney-fied ending, but other than that it was really good.
Thor: Let's face it--Thor is corny at times and has lots of plot holes. And yet we love it! Why? Because it's so gosh-darn hilarious. Even when it's trying to be "epic" it comes off as hysterical. That aside, Chris Hemsworth is a really good actor.
The Eagle: A little slow at times. But it's very historically acurate and there's some good acting thrown in at times. And the final scene was very well-done and wonderful.
Captain America: It was really, really good five minutes in. But my theory is this--the original screenwriter died after writing the first five minutes and was replaced by a guy who didn't know what he was doing. Bad CGI, and the movie's ending was one of the worst I've seen. But I loved those first five minutes.
The Help: Dirty. I walked out on this one.

Iconic Movie Moments of 2011:
Baby Po and Inner Peace
The Battle of Hogwarts

The British and the German free Joey

Dagny's realization; "Who is John Galt?"
Haddock remembers everything

Creepiest Villains:
Winner: Lord Shen from Kung Fu Panda 2
Runner-Up: Blackbeard from Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides (Sorry, Blackbeard, but you still get beat by an animated peacock)

Best Magical Transformation: Syrena from Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides

Best Special Effects: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2

Best New Character:
Winner: Philip from Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides
Runner-Up: Emilie from War Horse
Honorable Mention: Darcy from Thor

Favorite Scores:
Mermaids by Hans Zimmer (Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides)
Lily's Theme by Alexandre Desplat (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2)

1 comment:

  1. War Horse-- I SO want to see that one.

    Pirates of the Caribbean 4- I need to see that one :) I really liked the others.

    Soul Surfer- I agree with what you said.

    Thor- LOVE that movie. the end.

    Captain America- i need to watch that one again. the first time i saw it I was half asleep. haha ;P

    t'was a good year of movies! can't wait for the movies that 2012 is gonna bring :D

    much love♥


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