Thursday, January 19, 2012

Stop SOPA and PIPA

I don't usually blog about politics, but...

The American government wants to pass a law that allows them to censor our websites and internet. That means that if they don't approve of a website they can shut it down and no one can say anything about it.
A government-controlled internet...What a horrifying idea! Imagine the government controlling where we get our information, and what information we get...

Stop SOPA and PIPA from passing!
Spread the Word!


  1. What about the anti-muslim film on YouTube? Should an exception be made in this case and the film taken down? Isn't that censorship?

  2. If you think an anti-muslim film made in AMERICA caused a riot in LIBYA...well, I don't think so. What they did to that ambassador was horrendous, and the only people to blame are the people who did that crime.

    On a less political note, I don't agree with many things put on the internet, but even then they shouldn't be taken down. We can just choose not to view them, as people can just choose to put them up. The freedom of speech is for everyone, even people we don't agree with. To quote Voltaire's philosophy: "I don't agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

  3. Thanks for the feedback. I am in agreement. Was a little worried for a while, though, that You Tube would take it down. I'm glad they didn't.


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