Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Girl Who Could Fly

Ever since I published a post discussing the difference an exciting book cover can make using The Girl Who Could Fly as an example, everyone wondered if I'd read it and if it was good or not. I responded that, no, I hadn't read it, but I'd post a review when I did.

And so, Ladies and Gentlemen, here it goes:

The Girl Who Could Fly
by Victoria Forester

The Girl Who Could Fly was a good book, but not a great one.
I was slightly nervous when I opened it up and found that the setting was a small Southern town. See, for some reason, other books I've read set in small Southern towns--Like Savvy and Horns and Wrinkles--were always disappointing. I don't know what it is, but the way the setting and language is usually portrayed somehow rubs me wrong.
However, I was surprised and pleased when The Girl Who Could Fly did not do this. In fact, I enjoyed the beginning set in the small town the most! And the homey language the setting's descriptions thrilled me rather than turned me off.
Another thing that the book did that I really liked was how it captured the childlike feeling that adults simply do not understand sometimes.

Then Piper got sent to the Institute and I got worried. I was sensing another The Limit (poorly executed, with a lame ending) and The Unwanteds (Every character was exactly the same!)
And I'll admit, when Piper first got there, it was quite tedious. Some more description of the Institute would have been nice--I couldn't quite picture it. But to my relief, each character had their own personality, and that was nice (though I still don't get Conrad.)
But then new revelations were made and the book started picking up. I will say one thing: This book is sure unpredictable.

There was a thrilling escape attempt scene, and the ending wasn't perfect, but it was satisfactory. However, I felt that J. was an unnecessary character. Maybe if his background had been explained more and if he had more of a part, I might have not felt so. He only showed up about two or three times, anyway. But whenever he did it threw me off. He didn't fit, if you know what I mean.

To summarize, the book was not extraordinary by what it did do, but what it didn't. It didn't have a lame ending. It didn't fall into most pitfalls that other books of the genre did. If it wasn't for three or four really good scenes, this book would largely be forgettable.

But despite all this, I did enjoy reading it. However, I don't think I'd ever read it again unless 20 years from now I find myself in a used bookstore and randomly chance upon it.
On a scale from "Okay" to "Great" with "Good" in the middle, I'd have to lable it only "Good."

Favorite Line: "Computer, do cows have feelings?"

Objectionable Content: Uses of the Lord's name in vain. Two uses of the D-word. It is mentioned that a boy with X-Ray vision constantly uses his ability to see girls' underwear.

Related Reads:
The Mysterious Benedict Society-Trenton Lee Stewart
A Wrinkle in Time-Madeline L'Engle
Brainboy and the DeathMaster-Tor Seidler

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