Sunday, September 25, 2016

My Life So Far

Hullo, lovely people:)
Wow, these past few months have been both odd and amazing, with lots of good things to read and movies to watch. And some of them have been so incredible, I had to share:

Little Boy is a movie that came out this year, and I don't know why it's not more well-known. It's absolutely superb! Set during WWII, a small boy's father-and-best-friend leaves to go to war. And this boy will do anything to get his dad back. The preacher tells him if he has faith, the impossible can happen. But it will require him to be kind, to visit the sick and the sick-in-heart, and even befriend the old local "Jap". But as the war continues, the adults in his life begin to worry. Will faith really be enough to bring his father back? Or will they end up having to break the hard truth to him? And can his simple love and faith stop the prejudice that threatens his new Japanese friend?
I. have. never. cried. so much. during one movie. Good tears and sad tears. The story is told simply and powerfully. I haven't seen a movie this good in years.

Heidi by Johanna Spyri (trans. Eileen Hall): I picked this up a couple of months ago expecting it to be boring. Far from it. It was absolutely enchanting! A very small girl named Heidi goes to live with her gruff grandpa in the Swiss alps. He doesn't like the local villagers and they don't like him. But Heidi's simple love of her grandfather softens the old man's heart. There are complications in her life and in the lives of others, but Heidi has a way of bringing hope and healing to people with her  personality, as well as helping her grandfather to believe in God again. It was a beautiful read, and the descriptions were stunning, and her interactions with people were both thought-provoking and funny.

Also coming up this weekend is General Conference, one of the highlights of my year! This is where the leaders of my church speak to us and it's broadcast all over the world. The topics are inspirational and spiritual, concerning issues of the day and how we can strengthen our families and our relationship with God. The great thing is, you don't have to belong to this church to watch--there's something in it for everyone:) So, I invite all of y'all (dear me, that rhymes) to watch it with me this weekend and get inspired! Click here for more info.

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