Friday, January 8, 2010

My Judgement Sucks II

You've probably heard of Princess Academy by Shannon Hale. You know, the one that was a Newberry Award Winner? I didn't want to read it. Even though my friend begged me tens of thousands of times, I was loth to. Books about girls learning to be princesses aren't really my thing. Anyway, I finally got around to reading it.

Yes, once again, my judgement sucks.

It was amazing! Not only was Miri a exceedingly likable heroine, but it surpassed every expectation. The mountain folk are considered lowly because of who thy are. Miri's constantly trying to stand up for her and her mountain.

Despite the title, most of it was not about the academy. Mostly it was about proving the world wrong and overcoming all obstacles. Oh yeah, and bandits. Yes, there is a heavy dose of adventure involved.

So if you were like me, and thought Princess Academy was about silly girls going to school, think again. And then just go and read it.


  1. I read 'Princess Academy' a little while ago because a friend said that it was awesome. It was okay. I think that some characters could be a wee bit stronger.

  2. yeah, My favorite was Knut and he hardly spoke. But still a REALLY good read!

  3. I know! The same here! I didn't read it simply because of the title ("don't judge a book by its cover or title"...*sighs and slaps head*) but its realy good. Miri is completely awesome too. =)



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