Monday, January 11, 2010

Tourists say the Darndest Things

You will not BELIEVE these real-life questions tourists have actually asked.
"What time is the Loch Ness Monster fed?"
"Can you tell me which beach is closest to the ocean?"
"How long does it take to get from Tokyo to Korea by train?"
"What time do the whales swim by?"
"Is the island surrounded by water?"
"What time's the 2 o'clock tour?"
"Where's the bus for the walking tour?"
"Will I get wet if I go snorkeling?"
"Should I put my luggage outside the cabin before or after I go to sleep?"
"Why did the Greeks build so many ruins?"
"Windsor Castle is beautiful, but why did they build it so close to the airport?"
"Where is the good shopping in Antarctica?"
"Can you tell me what time the volcano will erupt? I want to be sure to take a photograph."


  1. OMGOODNESS!!! Those are hilarious! :) Danka for posting that! :)

  2. holy cow. insanity.

  3. There's a lot of morons in the world. (Sorry, I mean, "It's a shame that some people never fully took advantage of their education.")

  4. *gasp*

    Oh. My. Word.

    No wonder tourists get a bad wrap!


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