Friday, March 12, 2010

Legend of the Guardians Trailer!

Yeah, this is Guardians of Ga'hoole. They renamed it apparently. But who cares?! The trailer's out! And it's everything I'd hoped it'd be.

Gylfie (small owl, big words) is perfect! I love Soren's accent, and the animation looks mindblowingly real! This promises to be far more epic than the books. Digger, of course, is still my favorite. And he's being played by David Wenham, the actor who played Faramir! Also, Hugo Weaving (AKA Elrond) is playing Grimble! ( That's him narrating.)

"Picture something real."
"They're real."

There are no movies about owls. That's going to all change on September 24.


  1. I just wrote about you on The Locket. =D

  2. I actually didn't really like the books: they kind of dragged. But this looks like a really good film. Maybe it'll be better than the books (I wonder if this will be the only one or if there will be a series?)

  3. I read the books two years ago. They were just OK, but I honestly am in ecstatics for the movie!

  4. The narration at the beginning sounds like it could be Elrond talking to Frodo, lol!

    I like the idea of a movie about owls, but the trailer looks kinda weird...

  5. FERAGHO!! Thanks!! I like the old P&P WAAAAAAAYYY better than the new one. Mr. Darcy has NO personality in the new one, and Elizabeth... *gag* She makes a way better Elizabeth Swann ^_^ But the new BBC Sense and Sensibility, I like better than the old one. Go Colonel Brandon! ~ Ëarwen

  6. love the look of this 7 shall definately be seeing it !

  7. Looks like it actually has a plot.


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