Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Something Old, Something New

You may not know this, but there was a 1995 version of Pride & Prejudice on BBC. In the new one, I like some characters better and some less. So these are the characters I prefer from each version.

Mr.Darcy-New one-He's just cooler and so gosh-darn charming.
Lizzie-1995-The old version's more sharper and wittier.

Mr. Bennet-1995-He's funnier and not an empty shell.

Mrs. Bennet-Both are hysterical!

Jane-New one-She's prettier and more shy than the older one. And her love story's so sweet.

Mary-1995-She's more awkward and just...weird.

Kitty-1995-In the new one, I can't tell her apart from Lydia! But, then again, neither are very bright.

Lydia-1995-She had more personality.

Mr. Bingley-1995-The new one is more of a fumbling idiot than cheerful.
Mr.Wickham-1995-It's easier to believe him to be a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Mr. Collins-Both versions are pretty good. That is, annoying.

Edit: After re-watching the '95 film, I must say that both Darcys are fantastic.


  1. This actually was the first version of P&P that I watched, and it's my favorite. My mom went on a Jane Austin spree, and we watched basically ALL of the P&P versions.

    I really like this version's Lizzie. And Jane.

  2. Nice post! I like the '95 version better, overall; the script in the '05 one is not very good. :P

  3. I agree-the 1995 version is the best!

  4. Yes the 1995 is the best (no doubt about it). I don't know how many Jane Austen movies my family has watched (like at least 3 different versions of each story). Have any of you watched BBC's 2009 version of Emma? my family thinks its the best (so far).

  5. Saw the old one of Emma-it wasn't that good.

  6. *Grins* Good post. :)

  7. You should check out the new one (of Emma that is), my sister said it was the closest to the book. Then some where I saw that there was a 2010 version of Emma, I think it was on IMDB. But maybe it was because The latest Emma came out in 2010 for the USA and 2009 for Great Britain (????). Somebody really should make a Jane Austen Club :0

    oh yeah I was trying to join your blog but I couldn't figure out how. Might just be my computer.

  8. I believe you mean Mr. and Mrs. BENNETT, not Bingley ^_^ I agree with some, but not all - to each her own! *grins* They're both fun, though. I like both Janes... hmm...


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