Saturday, November 6, 2010

Dawn Treader Pics

Here's some fantastic screenshots from NarniaWeb, incluing one of Eustace as a dragon!
Still, I'm very paranoid about how the movie will turn out.
The plot has been completely changed from saving the Narnia Lords to saving Narnia from evil...
We'll see how it turns out.
Anyway, enjoy the pictures!
Eustace and Reepicheep.


Eustace the dragon.

Ramadu's daughter.

I still don't see why Caspian is in Aslan's Country; he wasn't there in the book.

The End of the World.


  1. Those are some great pictures! I'm so excited to see The Dawn Treader.

  2. wow, it looks really good: let's hope they do better with this one than they did with Prince Caspian :S

    and WHOA, caspian WASN"T in aslan's country !!! >:(

    oh well...... *sigh*

    anyway, great pics, thanks for sharing!!!

  3. I. Love. That. Dragon.

    I'm disappointed that they're not going to stick to the story, but as long as they don't change the attitudes and most of the allegorical stuff, I guess I'm fine with it.

    That end of the world picture is awesome!

  4. I am so exited about the movie! I am totally watching it!

  5. I've heard that this movie is supposed to be even better then the first. I heard it from a movie reviewer who got to see it.


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