Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Three's the Charm

Have you noticed that the third book in almost every series consists of time travel?
And it's always, always the third book!
Sometimes it adds to the series' plot immensely.
Other times it seems as if the author just ran out of ideas by book 3.
Here's some examples of book three time travels:

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban-J.K. Rowling
Harry and Hermione have to travel back in time to rescue Sirius Black and Buckbeak.

Septimus Heap: Physik-Angie Sage
Septimus gets kidnapped by a wizard and taken 500 years before his own time.

Fablehaven: Grip of the Shadow Plague-Brandon Mull
Seth brings the famed Paton Burgess from back in time in order to save Fablehaven.

Molly Moon's Hypnotic Time Travel Adventure-Georgia Byng
Molly gets transported into 19th-century India by an insane maharaja.

Gideon: The Time Quake-Linda Buckley-Archer
(Technically the whole trilogy is based on time travel anyway)
 Lord Luxon tries to change time by making the British win the Revolutionary War.

Other series that involve time travel:

Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony (book 5)-Eoin Colfer
Artemis Fowl twists through time to save the fairy and demon races.

Charlie Bone: The Time Twister (book 2)-Jenny Nimmo
Charlie's ancestor gets transported to modern-day times, and it's up to Charlie to keep his enemies from finding out.


  1. True, that a lot of books use time travel. It's an intriguing idea, but it can be a little overused if it's not original.

  2. Did I like Gideon? Not particularily.

  3. whoa, that is strange!!! XD i never noticed that before!!!


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